"Testosterone is a potentially lethal hormone." An endocrinologist's dialogue

"Testosterone is a potentially lethal hormone." An endocrinologist's dialogue


We are continuing a series of meetings with top doctors in the country. Today, we had a lengthy discussion about the endocrine system in general and our "favorite" testosterone male hormone, in particular.

We are aware that endocrinology concerns hormones, and however, most people are not aware of how the thyroid gland can be linked-to day-to-day function in the human body. And in particular, the male version. Dr Ali Holistic provide the best Testosterone Pellet Insertion treatment in USA.

The distinction in the operation of male and female glands of the endocrine is significant even though the hormonal profile of males and females is similar. The main difference is in the nature and quantity of the production. A substantial portion of hormones produced by the female body is made in a cyclical manner instead of for males - tonic, and that is constantly, without periodic cycles. 

I'll ask you questions about testosterone, which is of enormous importance to our readers. However, let's start at the basics, which are the roles and functions of thyroid hormones.

The thyroid hormones are among the oldest of their kind. They regulate the most fundamental functions of cells. Each cell. They hold the process of oxidation and oxygen consumption within the cell. The human body can be compared to a stove where the fire is burning. We put firewood in it - the food we eat. For the flame to not go out, oxygen is needed. There is a damper inside the stove that, with its help, we can increase the strength of the flame by opening it up more comprehensively or by turning off the love - leaving one small crack, and the pet will begin to smoke. The purpose that thyroid hormones play in controlling the damper, specifically in the amount of combustion and oxidation because that heat created, which is the energy every cell requires.

How did we ever realize that hormones are present within our bodies?

Before introducing the term "hormone," this was related to the so-called humoral elements. The 14th century was when in the 14th century, the Chinese were able to link secondary sexual characteristics with them. For instance, doctors at the time believed"that "the physical manifestations of the masculine seeds are the appearance of beards," "the beard is linked to the kidneys as well as testicles." Around the turn of the century, German professor Berthold conducted research in which a rooster was castrated, the result of which he experienced an increase in a second sexual characteristic, the scallop. Following this, the swabs of the testicles removed were injected into males, resulting in the scallop being restored. These were the very first tests that were related to testosterone. The idea of "hormone" was introduced later, around the turn of the 20th century. Since the time, its meaning has undergone several changes.

Did endocrinology begin as a field of medicine that focuses on hormones only?

Classically, endocrinology focuses on seven different endocrine glands that are anatomically distinct, including thyroid, parathyroid pituitary, pancreas, adrenal cortex testicles and ovaries, and the pineal gland. These are the endocrine glands that release hormones. In reality, the term "endocrinology" can be translated to "the study of the substances released inside" It studies the chemical substances released by these glands into the blood and controls the functions of various cells.

Explain how the endocrine and neurological systems interact.

Comparing the nerve system with the endocrine system can be described as the comparison between a phone and radio. The nervous system functions as a telephone. It is a network of nerves that travel from the brain to send information out to a particular area. The hormonal gland generates information that travels through blood vessels to several people - similar to radios that broadcast from a single point; however, everyone can hear it. The energy of the endocrine system functions as an audio speaker. If there is an issue with the nerve system, the only thing stimulated by the nerve ceases to operate the muscle in question. For instance, when a telephone line is broken, the phone won't work. And, if the radio station fails, there is no way for anyone to be able to hear the message. The disease of the endocrine system is multisystem. This is the result of the condition of several different structures simultaneously. Dr Ali Holistic provide the best orgasmic shot treatment in USA.

An excellent example of this is the thyroid gland's hormones that affect almost every cell in our body. All cells in our body are energy-dependent, including the entire enzyme system, each of them, as every cell has ATP. Adenosine triphosphate is our cell's battery, and the intensity of the energy production within it is controlled via thyroid hormones.


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