The information in the article is provided for reference and is not a guide to self-diagnosis and treatment. If you have symptoms of the disease should consult a doctor. Chlamydia is an infectious disease that develops as a result of infection with opportunistic bacteria of the genus Chlamydia trachomatis. Other types of chlamydia can provoke diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs. The giandliverconsultants provide the best gastrointestinal consultants in USA. Chlamydia most often infects the sexually active part of the population. The spread of the disease is partly due to the long incubation period, during which people do not experience symptoms of the disease, but can transmit it to others. In addition, the infection may exist in a latent form and progress to a chronic asymptomatic stage. However, this does not preclude a high risk of complications.


The incubation period of urogenital chlamydia is 1-4 weeks. Usually, so much time passes from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms.

Chlamydia trachomatis are opportunistic bacteria, ie they can stay in the human body for a long time in a latent form without causing disease. It develops only when provoking factors appear, such as decreased immunity, hypothermia, influenza or SARS, taking certain antibiotics and so on. As a result, the chlamydial colony begins to grow rapidly, which leads to the development of the disease.

chronic chlamydia

Urogenital chlamydia is the most common localization, but it can also affect the mouth and eyes. According to the local form and general.


An infection that affects the urogenital tract is sexually transmitted. It should be borne in mind that the carrier of latent chlamydia may not even know about the presence of the pathogen. You can reduce the risk of infection by using contact methods of contraception.

Chlamydia can also be passed from mother to child during natural childbirth. For infants, the disease is more dangerous and can cause complications. That is why when planning a pregnancy, women are advised to be diagnosed with latent infections. The giandliverconsultants provide the best Ercp in USA.

The least likely household infection. In theory, it can happen if people share a towel, visit public baths, swimming pools, and so on. Doctors say that in fact the risk of getting the disease in this way is unlikely.


The insidiousness of chlamydia is that in more than half of cases it develops asymptomatically. Studies have shown that 50% of women with chlamydial infection and 70% of men had no complaints. If the symptoms still occur, it differs between men and women.

These symptoms are nonspecific, ie it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on them. To do this, you must perform laboratory tests.


Symptoms of chlamydia in men can be:

·         Atypical discharge from the urethra, especially in the morning;

·         Secretion of blood drops from the urethra;

·         Discomfort during ejaculation;

·         Pain, acceleration when urinating;

·         Change in urine color;

·         Swelling, pain in the testicles;

Usually, in the first months after the disease, the symptoms are less pronounced. In addition, they are similar manifestations of urethritis and cystitis. Laboratory diagnosis is also required to make an accurate diagnosis.


Chlamydia develops in the genitourinary system. If it is in a latent form, a person can stay healthy. However, with the appearance of provoking factors and the development of infection, it can develop infectious-inflammatory disease.

Chlamydia most often leads to:

·         urethritis;

·         cystitis;

·         cervicitis;

·         endometritis;

·         orchitis;

·         prostatitis;

·         scarring and adhesions in the reproductive organs;

·         pregnancy complications;

Infection of the newborn during childbirth.

Diseases can occur in both acute and chronic forms, if the infection is not destroyed in time. In most cases, inflammation caused by chlamydia can be successfully treated with medication.


The manifestations of different urogenital diseases are very similar, so to determine the diagnosis you should see a doctor and do tests. In men, examination of the urethra and scraping of its mucous membrane are examined. In women, a swab of urogenital secretions and a scraping of the vagina and sometimes the cervical canal are taken for analysis. General blood and urine tests are also prescribed, and sperm tests are prescribed for men. The giandliverconsultants provide the best stent in esophagus in USA.

Analyzes are performed by different methods. Biological material is examined by PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which makes it possible to detect bacterial DNA. They also do the so-called sowing - scraping, which contains mucous cells, immersed in a special environment, where for several days the colony of microorganisms increases, which allows a specialist to determine its type.


Treatment of chlamydia in men is performed by a urologist or andrologist, and in women - a gynecologist. After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist prescribes the appropriate drugs. This takes into account which organs of the genitourinary system are affected, the infectious agent (often chlamydia is combined with other infections), the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms and more. Treatment is complicated if a woman is pregnant - many drugs are contraindicated.

Most often, patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs to kill the infection, immunostimulants to strengthen their own immunity in the fight against the disease, and other drugs to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Vaginal suppositories are often recommended for women, as they provide an analgesic effect and help reduce itching and burning sensations.

The symptoms of the disease become less pronounced and disappear completely. However, the course of treatment should be completed until the infection has been completely cured. If this is not done, it can turn into a sluggish chronic form and eventually lead to the development of the disease again.


Chlamydia is sexually transmitted, so the main method of prevention is the use of contact methods of contraception. We should not forget that the disease can be asymptomatic. The giandliverconsultants provide the best liver consultants in USA.

Regular preventive examinations allow to detect the infection in time. Men are recommended to visit a urologist once a year and take appropriate tests, and women - a gynaecologist. Diagnosis is also required before conception. Latent infections can be activated during pregnancy, cause complications and be transmitted to the baby during childbirth.


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