It is difficult for most to imagine the elderly having active sex or masturbatory life on the pretext that old age no longer allows these activities. Why do we have these misconceptions? Erectile dysfunction, difficulty moving, joint pain? Certainly, but not all of our elders encounter these problems or, better, exceed them!

The sexual revolution

Sixty-nine, an erotic year…

Sang Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. The end of the 1960s - but also 1962, with the arrival of the

Contraceptive pill for women and 1975 when abortion became legal in France - represented a turning point in the liberation of sexual practices that we would call the sexual revolution. Dr. Ali Holistic provides the best Testosterone Pellet Insertion in the USA.  Before this period, sex must still be practiced only between husband and wife and was governed by the moral law of the Church. The man then decides everything: the frequency of sexual intercourse, the positions ... and the foreplay are of little interest or even are almost absent. But in the course of the 50s already, the mystery about the clitoris begins to be lifted and highlights the female pleasure until then relatively put aside: the rediscovery of the female body helps women to know themselves better through masturbation and to have other expectations in their sex life.

The 1960s also saw the emergence of self-service means of contraception (condoms), and the activity of procreation was dissociated from sexual pleasure.

Sexuality in postmenopausal women

So how has sexuality evolved between the generation of octogenarians and that of the current thirties?

Studies show that the median age of the first kiss or even the first sexual intercourse has not changed much in recent decades. On the other hand, the evolution of practices has changed relatively since today oral (fellatio) and anal intercourse are practised more and more frequently and freely. 30 or 40 years ago, fellatio was essentially a practice of prostitution and was not a part of the couple.

The frequency of intercourse between yesterday and today

The prevalence of intercourse between 16 and 18 seems to have increased a lot in a few decades, caused in particular by the popularization of pornography and dating sites, the latter giving more to dating a "coital" and not a loving purpose. Menopause has its share of drawbacks that can happen to everyone, such as decreased libido or the onset of vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness

Women who suffer from vaginal dryness after menopause is at greater risk of genital infections or inflammation due to non-lubricated friction and a change in vaginal ph. Doctor Ali provides the best Testosterone Pellet Insertion in the USA.  Loss of elasticity and narrowing of the epithelium can be seen in women with little intercourse.

However, regular sexual activity makes it possible to overcome these undesirable effects, whether sexual intercourse or masturbation. The use of lubricants can also solve this problem.

Decreased libido

The absence of reproductive hormones can be at the origin of the drop in libido and sometimes notable changes in a woman's life: the departure of the children from the house, beginning of retirement…Women affected by a total absence of desire may be offered a fair hormonal treatment to recreate the sexual appetite partly. However, keep in mind that not every woman will have the same effects associated with menopause and that these are not inevitable. The sex life of women after 50 is not always affected; just look at the numbers: 90% of women over 50 have up to 5 sex per month, while in the 70s, only one in ten women of the same age had a sex life. You should know that in reality, for some women, menopause is synonymous with renewed libido because they have more free time and fewer daily worries.

Sexuality in older men

In men too, hormonal disorders can appear with age. Indeed, testosterone can be reduced over the years and play a harmful role in libido and difficulties maintaining an erection. Ejaculation can also be disturbed by a reduction in its intensity and consequently a reduced orgasm, not to mention pathologies such as diabetes, cholesterol, benign prostatic hypertrophy, or cardiac disorders, which also impact erection.

For many men, however, the desire remains intact, and the gap between the loss of spontaneous erection and this ever-present desire disturbs more than one. The psychological impact can be relatively strong nowadays. Even erection and sexual performance are synonymous with virility.

Sex and health

It's proven that sex has many health benefits! Sex among the elderly can only benefit living longer and preventing several pathologies, including cardiac and prostate.

Indeed, sex would be very effective for:

·         Decrease stress.

·         Strengthen the heart.

·         Develop antibodies and therefore better fight ambient diseases

·         Produce endorphins, the feel-good hormone, which help prevent depression.

·         Prevent urinary incontinence by toning the pelvic muscles (at a certain age, it can be helpful!).

·         Improve sleep.

·         Weight loss (half an hour of sex would equal about 100 calories burned!).

·         Prevent prostate cancer.

·         Reconstruction after divorce


After several years, a good number of couples separate. Routine, decreased desire for the other… there are many good reasons for wanting to renew! In 40 years, the number of divorces after several decades of living together would have multiplied by 9. Doctor Ali provides the best hair restoration specialist in the USA. The trigger is retirement in most cases, and it is often the women who take the initiative for the separation. They also live better their new independence in general because they claim not to be confined to the role of model wife.

While some savour the newfound freedom, others seek to fall in love again and thus rebuild family life, often recomposed.

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