
Showing posts from November, 2021

History of the youngest of medical specialties: nephrology

  The improvement of the microscope (in particular thanks to A. van Leeuwenhoek) now makes it possible to increase its magnification tenfold; the successors of Malpighi can further describe the nephron. The microscopic examination is also applied to urine, with the Paris school in front of the scene. In the 17th century, the taste for experimentation grew. The sciences are gradually separating from metaphysics, and medicine is becoming more and more secular. This new state of mind finds its expression in the great movement of the Encyclopedia carried by D. Diderot: many doctors adhere to it. In this context, to the advent of chemistry - with its pioneers J. Priestley and A. Lavoisier - that nephrology owes its most remarkable progress during the 17th and 19th centuries. Doctor Muhammad Khan provides the best nephrology doctors in Riverside. The first field of investigation to benefit from it is lithiasis: since the discovery of "lithic acid" (later renamed "uric"

Kidney failure and its causes

  Kidney failure and its causes When you have kidney failure, the kidneys function less well, and cannot excrete water and harmful substances into the urine as well as before. Chronic renal failure develops slowly, while acute renal failure occurs suddenly. Kidney failure can have many different causes, and the treatment you receive depends on the cause of your kidney failure, if you are already facing some related issue then you may visit your physician or nephrology doctors   What is kidney failure? The function of the kidneys in the body is to filter the blood, and then separate what is to be retained from what is to be sent out with the urine. Each kidney consists of over one million blood vessels (glomerulus) through which the blood is pressed. The blood vessels in the ball contain small holes through which blood can pass. On the other side of each blood vessel ball is a funnel that eventually leads to the urethra. When the filtered blood travels to the urethra, the subst

What Is Nephrology and What Does a Nephrologist Do

  As stated in the introduction, manufacturers of medical devices must comply with European regulations 2017/745 or 2017/746 to place their medical devices on the market. Therefore, in this brief, only the requirements of regulations 2017/745 are discussed. Indeed, article 10 of regulation 2017/745 relating to manufacturers' obligations defines 16 paragraphs that manufacturers must meet to obtain the CE marking, which will allow them to market their medical device. It is in paragraph 9 that the requirements in terms of quality management system are defined, "Device manufacturers, other than devices which are the subject of an investigation, eta-Blissent, docu-lying, apply, hand-held, update and amé-liorent always a quality management system that ensures compliance with the provisions of this regulation in the most efficient way possible and in a manner that is proportionate to the risk class and type of device. Paragraph 9 also defines 13 aspects that the quality man

Some daily practices to keep kidneys healthy

  Some daily practices to keep kidneys healthy Kidneys are organs that are located in the lower back. They are responsible for producing urine, eliminating toxic waste, regulating body water, balancing minerals and acids in the body and keeping blood pressure under control. Today we will talk about 8 tips to keep your kidneys healthy. All of this can change when the kidneys get drunk or have faults. That is why it is very important to take care of these organs and adopt a healthy lifestyle and also go for best nephrology doctors for complete precautions that guarantee your health. Following are 8 tips mentioned to keep your kidneys healthy and contribute to the health and well-being of these important organs. Healthy eating to keep your kidneys healthy Consumption of fast food, refined foods and sugar overload kidney function and affect their function, as they are responsible for metabolizing toxins that accumulate in the body. It is very important to avoid this type of fo